homeopathic first aid for horses
Grab your copy of Homeopathic First Aid for Horses today.
A gentle and safe healing system that works with the body by stimulating its own vital force. Homeopathic remedies are derived from herbs, minerals, chemicals, body secretions, diseases, and poisons like venom in extreme dilutions. In most potencies, there are no traceable amounts of the original substance. Dr. Samuel Hahnemann developed homeopathy based on Hippocrates’ law of similars “like cure like” in 1796. Homeopathic remedies are prepared at a homeopathic pharmacy. Most remedies come in lactose-based pellets.
In 1995, during a reoccurring infection, the doctors proclaimed Poppy as antibiotic-resistant with no options. Poppy's adversity forced her to look at alternative options. The event changed her life. Through her holistic wellness journey, Poppy founded Equine Alternatives, LLC, in 1998 and Holistic Animal Insights about 12 years later. Poppy has now helped animals from all over the world including Singapore and Saudi Arabia as well as people in the entertainment industry. She is a board-certified Animal Naturopath, certified pet homeopath, certified animal iridologist, and certified equine bodyworker, and has studied animal and human nutrition. Poppy was on her way to getting a human dietitian license but dropped out due to disagreeing with the food pyramid belief. Equine Alternatives and Holistic Animal Insights' herbal line as well as Poppy Phillips' services are veterinarian-recommended.